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Railway station

Nicholas II, the future Russian Emperor, founded the station and railway simultaneously in 1891. 1912 it was renovated in the same architectural style as the railway station in Moscow, designed by architect Planson. In Soviet times, many parts were demolished and rebuilt, but in the 90 years the station was returned to its original appearance in 1912.

The facades are issued according to the traditional solutions of Russian architecture of the XVII century with an abundance of window openings and decorative details. The floor is paved with clay Japanese plates, which have been preserved today. There are two headed eagle—the symbol of the power of Russia on the ridge, a mosaic emblem of Primorsky area on the west side of the building and the emblem of Moscow—St. George on horseback, hitting the dragon—on the east side of the building. These are the symbols of inseparably of Vladivostok from the central regions of Russia and ancient traditions of Russian culture.

The old steam locomotive and a column with a mark of 9288, which means the distance in kilometers between Moscow and Vladivostok were installed on the railway platform.

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Vladivostok time:
12 Feb 20:51

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