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c_800_300_16777215_00_images_d60be7bc0ac47d93a003f63eddb0e1a9.jpg Hundreds of residents gather in the seaside city’s central square to bid farewell to winter. Vladivostok celebrates Maslenitsa with traditional folk festivals, blini, and burning effigies. . The Central square is transformed into a venue where the strongest and most agile compete in skills such as pillow fighting, rope pulling, and trying to conquer an icy pole to win a rooster. Residents and guests of Vladivostok can watch, participate  in the traditional Shrovetide fun and games.

Celebrations will be held at Central Square, Vladivostok:
From 04.03.2019 to 10.03.2019

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Vladivostok time:
21 May 06:06